Official Kickball Rules


  1. Team rosters shall include a minimum of 12 players, including at least 5 of each gender.
  2. The maximum number of players on the field is 10, with at least 4 of each gender.
  3. The minimum number of players on the field is 7, with no gender minimum.
  4. All players present for a game must be placed in the kicking order, unless the player elects not to play.
  5. All players must be registered with the League to play with the team. Unregistered substitutes are not permitted. Any team found to be playing with an unregistered player will receive a 3 run penalty and the unregistered player will be removed. 
  6. When a team has fewer than the required number of players of a specified gender available, players of one gender may not be substituted for members of another gender. For example, if a team has 10 total players available at game time, but only 3 are female, the team must play short in the field with 9 players.
  7. Fielding teams are required to play catcher and pitcher.
  8. No substitutes for the catcher are permitted during the inning; catchers may only be changed between innings unless it is necessary due to injury.
  9. Late Registration: a team may add players to the roster through the Absolute Deadline for each Season.
  10. A game of Rock-Paper-Scissors will be played to determine the Home Team before each regular season game. In the playoffs, the higher seed will automatically be considered the Home Team.
  11. Spectators and players who are not on the field must remain far enough away from the field so as not to interfere with a play. If the ball or a fielding player should come in contact with any person (or any personal belongings such as a chair or cooler) who is not participating in the play, the play shall be called dead. Runners will be awarded two bases (the base they were heading towards plus the next).
    1. An exception can be made if the kicking team intentionally interferes with the play. In that case, runners must return to their last touched base.


  1. Referees are responsible for:
    1. Keeping game time.
    2. Keeping score.
    3. Enforcing all game rules.
    4. Tracking all counts and outs.


  1. Players must wear their League-Provided T-Shirts of the appropriate color for their team.  Beginning the fourth week, any team that has more than 1 player, that intends on playing in the game, that is not physically wearing their League T-Shirt & Team Color for the appropriate Season will receive a 1 run penalty for each ascending player beyond that 1. Also, any player not wearing the appropriate shirt may be asked to provide photo id to prove they are on that team's roster.
  2. Cleats with plastic or rubber spikes are strongly encouraged. Steel spikes are prohibited.

Game Clock/Regulation Games

  1. Each game shall be completed in no more than 7 innings or 60 minutes, whichever comes first.
  2. In the event of a tied score after the final inning, the game shall be recorded as a tie.
  3. If the home team already leads the game when the bottom of the final inning is reached, that team wins the game instantly and the game is over. 
  4. If the home team takes the lead during the bottom of the final inning, that team wins instantly and the game is over.
  5. A game that is called off by the referee after three full innings of play shall be considered a regulation game. The game score at the end of the last full inning shall determine the winner. Regulation games called off that end in a tie shall be marked as a tie.
  6. A game that is called off by the referee for any reason before three full innings of play shall not be considered a regulation game and a new game may be scheduled.

Pitching & Catching

  1. The Roller/Pitcher must release the ball at or BEHIND the pitching rubber and within one foot on either side (mirroring the 1-foot strike zone on either side of the plate).  Releasing the ball outside of this area will result in an illegal pitch which will be called a ball by the umpire.

  2. No defensive player, including the pitcher, may cross the invisible line between 1st and 3rd base prior to the ball being kicked. Crossing this invisible line will result in the team being warned once. The second violation, and thereafter, will result in an illegal pitch and will automatically be called a ball. There will be no kick on an illegal pitch. 

  3. The strike zone is defined as the invisible line at the front of the plate between the outside edges of the cones and 1 foot above the ground. Cones are to be placed 1 foot from each side of the front of the plate.

  4. The ball must bounce twice prior to any part of the ball crossing the strike zone.

  5. Overhanded pitching is not permitted.  Balls, while being pitched, can not travel above the shoulder.  Balls that go above the shoulder will be called a ball by the referee.

  6. The catcher must remain behind the kicking box until the kicker makes contact with the ball. The catcher may NOT stand to the side of the kicking box or so closely to the kicker as to interfere with his or her ability to kick, until contact is made with the ball. The catcher, again, does not have to start behind the kicker, they just need to be behind the kicking box.

  7. All Games have a time limit. If the pitcher, or defense, is continuously holding up the game by taking an unreasonable amount of time in-between pitches to the kicking team, the official will warn the the pitching team. If such play continues, the official can award kickers first base.


  1. Teams are encouraged exchange kicking orders prior to the start of the game.  Kicking order issues are the responsibility of teams.  If a Captain of one team asks for a line-up at the beginning of the game, opposing team must give one to them.
  2. There must be at least 4 players of each gender in the kicking order. If there are fewer than the required number of players of a particular gender, that point in the lineup shall be counted as an out. This rule will be waived for any player that is injured during the course of the game and is no longer able to play.
  3. There is no alternating gender requirement in the kicking order.
  4. All players who have fielded or will field must be included in the kicking lineup, except for injured players who have been withdrawn from the game.
  5. Bunting is permitted for females in Recreational skill divisions:
    1. When bunting is allowed for females: If the kicked ball comes to rest in the area between home plate and the 1st base-3rd-base line, inside the foul lines, it shall be considered FAIR.
    2. Bunting is NOT allowed for males. Male kickers must attempt a full kick (the referee will make a judgment based on extension of the leg). If the referee determines that a male kicker has bunted, the ball shall be considered FOUL. This is a dead ball foul (no play even if caught).

      If a ball kicked by a male comes to rest in the area between home plate and the 1st base-3rd-base line, inside the foul lines, it shall be considered a FOUL. If played/touched by an opposing player before referee announces it to be a foul, it will become fair.

  6. 3 strikes is an out and is called when:
    1. The ball crosses the strike zone without being kicked.
    2. The kicker swings at but misses the ball.
    3. The ball is kicked foul.
  7. Fouls are always counted as strikes, including on a 2 strike count, and are called when:
    1. The ball lands or is touched in foul territory.
    2. The ball lands inside the foul line, but rolls outside the foul line before reaching the 1st or 3rd base lines. A ball that lands past the 1st or 3rd base lines but rolls into foul territory shall be considered fair.
    3. Contacts the ball behind home plate with any part of the body above the knee. This is a dead ball foul (no play even if caught).
    4. The kicker kicks the ball with any part of the foot planted outside the kicking box, including in front of home plate.  All balls must be kicked inside box. This is a dead ball foul (no play even if caught).
    5. The kicker makes a "double-kick", i.e. kicks or contacts the ball after the initial kick while still behind home plate. This is a dead ball foul (no play even if caught).
  8. 4 balls allows the kicker to advance to first base.


  1. Stealing bases and leading off bases are illegal. A player who was leading off the base prior to the hit shall be called out.
  2. Sliding at first base is illegal. A player who slides going from home plate to first base shall be called out. This rule is not enforced for runners who have safely reached first base and are returning.
  3. Overruns at 1st Base MUST be made on the Safety Base.  If a Player overruns the White Base they are considered "live" and can be tagged out by the ball on their way back to 1st Base.  If a player uses the Safety Base to overrun, they must go completely straight or right of the base. If they turn left and step on the White Base, or go in front of it, they are considered "live" as well. The only exceptions which allow the kicker-runner to use the white base are:
    1. No play is being made at first base (i.e. the ball is not being thrown to or run towards first base).
    2. The ball is coming to first base from foul territory outside of first base (Fielder can use orange bag to avoid collision).
    3. A wild throw pulls the fielder into foul territory past first base before the runner touches first base. (Fielder can use orange bag to avoid collision)
    4. The fielder must use the white base, except in the situations described above. In those situations both the runner and the fielder may use either base.
  4. There are no overruns on 2nd or 3rd Base.  Players can be tagged out on all overruns on 2nd and 3rd Base.
  5. There is no infield fly rule; however, fielders may not intentionally drop a fly ball that is clearly in fair territory for the sake of creating an advantage. If a fielder willfully drops or fails to attempt to catch a clearly fair fly ball, play will be called dead. The kicker will be safe at 1st base, and all other runners will advance one base from their starting position. This call will be made at the referee's discretion.
  6. A play shall end when the pitcher has control of the ball within 10 feet of the pitcher's mound. Any runners in motion at this time, and at the referee's discretion, must stop at the base they are moving towards. A play may also be ended, at the referee's discretion, if it is determined that no runners are attempting to advance to the next base.
  7. A runner is out when:
  1. A runner that is hit in the head by a ball shall be considered safe at their intended base and it's considered a dead ball if the runner is on base, unless that player was sliding or intentionally placed their head in the path of the ball.
  2. Pinch running due to injury is permitted at 1st, 2nd and 3rd base provided the pinch runner is of the same gender. The runner who was substituted for shall be removed permanently from the game. Pinch running at kick is not permitted.
  3. Any runner who punches or kicks a ball while running the bases, or attempts to punch or kick a ball from a defender, is immediately out; the play is called dead, and all runners currently on base must go back to their last touched base. If a runner who has already been called out intentionally interferes with the play, dead ball will be called. Runners must return to their last touched base. If a force is still in play when this interference occurs, the leading forced runner will be called out.
  4. A fielder may not obstruct a runner from reaching the next base unless the fielder is in possession of the ball or is attempting to catch or make a play on the ball in the base path; however, the fielder may not block a base without possession of the ball.
    • If a fielder has obstructed the runner, play will be called dead and the runner will be awarded two bases (the base they were running towards and the next).
    • In the event that a fielder is attempting to catch or make a play on the ball, it is the runner's responsibility to avoid contact. If contact occurs, interference may be called and that runner will be out. At this time play will be called dead.
    • If a fielder blocks the runner from a base without possession of the ball, play will be called dead and the runner will be awarded that base. If the referee determines that the block was an obvious attempt to obstruct further advancement, an additional base may be awarded at their discretion.
    • If a runner who has already been called out intentionally interferes with a play, dead ball will be called. Runners must return to their last touched base. If a force is still in play when this interference occurs, the leading forced runner will be called out.
  5. In the event of a fly ball, runners must tag up (return to their original base) prior to advancing. The runner may tag up once the ball is touched by a defender. They do not have to wait until the ball is caught. Tagging up is not required if the defense does not make the catch.
  6. A run is scored when a runner safely reaches home prior to the third out of the inning being recorded; however, a run cannot score when a force is still in play. If a force out results in the third out of an inning, no run can score even if the runner crosses home plate prior to the third out being recorded.

 Mercy Rule

The mercy rule will be in effect and the game shall end if the winning team is ahead by:

Late Arrival Penalties & Forfeits

  1. Teams must be ready to play and meet game start requirements within 5 minutes after the posted game time.  Exceptions are made in Playoffs or when teams have League Doubleheaders before their games causing them to be late.
  2. If a team is not ready to play at 5 minutes past the posted game time, it shall incur an immediate 2 run penalty, awarded to the opposing team. 
  3. If a team is still not ready to play after 10 minutes, it shall incur an additional 2 run penalty.
  4. If a team is not ready to play after 15 minutes, it shall forfeit the game, with the opposing team receiving a total of 6 runs, for a final score of 6 - 0.
  5. Any players who show up after the game has started shall be added to the end of the kicking order.
  6. A team must have 7 players, regardless of Gender, to show up to start a game.

Playoff Tie Breaker

  1. Ties are not permitted in playoff games. If a regulation game ends in a tie, it will end in a tie. In a playoff game, each team will play 1 additional inning in the event of a tie. If the 1 inning has been played and there is still a tie, it shall be broken using the following method:

    Place the last kicker from the previous inning on 2nd base.

    The fielding team will place 4 males and 4 females only on the field. You must play short if you do not have 4 of a given gender.

    If still tied after extra inning (current inning will be allowed to complete) or 70 minutes the accuracy kick will be used to determine the winner


  1. There can be up to two rainouts per season where the games will be rescheduled. If there are more, those games will not be rescheduled. This includes the playoffs.
  2. If the playoffs are cancelled due to weather, the season will end with the championship being awarded to the team with the best regular season record. If there is a tie for best record, the tie breaker will be determined by head-to-head record. If there is a tie with more than two teams, the tie breaker will be decided by the following:
    1. Win-Tie-Loss Percentage (WTL%): This is the percentage of games that were won with ties counting as half a win.
    2. Strength of Victory (SOV): The average of the records of a team's defeated opponents  for each instance in which they competed. Teams which defeat teams with good records have a higher SOV than teams which defeat teams with poor records.
    3. Strength of Schedule (SOS): Two times the average of a team's played opponents plus the average of the team's opponent's opponents, divided by 3. This assesses the relative difficulty of a team's schedule.
    4. Points Against (PA): The team with the lowest number of points scored against them.
    5. Points For (PF):The teams with the highest number of points scored against opponents.


  1. Personal attacks against other players or referees, whether physical or verbal, will not be tolerated in our league. There will be no warnings. Violation of this rule will result in immediate action up to and including removal from the league if need be.